Wednesday, January 7, 2015


I have a huge amount of work to get done and that is a very very good thing but it stresses me out when I feel like I am running behind, which is almost always. And then there is the issue of me being an inherently disorganized girl who is craving some organization. And just look at the stuff on my work table. 


I need peace and I need storms. I need solitude and I need people. I like color and I like white.  Music so loud it shakes the windows and absolute silence....stillness. I want my children to stay young and in my house and I want them to go off to College and find their lives.  I like Dogs AND Cats.  I like the cold air on my skin and the sun on my shoulders. Long messy hair and a cute short haircut.  The beach AND the mountains as well as the prairies and rolling foothills...It goes on and on and on like that. And that is just how I am. That is the tangled and not so orderly part of my nature. The contradictions that are me. Translated from my personal life right into my design and business style. I try to put my signature on everything so my work is has a "look" and style that people will come to recognize as Wildflower 57. But then there are  there are all those contradictions. I guess in the end we follow our true wild nature and trust that we are the way we are and know we are just  perfect that way..... or rather perfectly imperfect the way we are. Be You and  God Bless the contrasts, the mismatchedness, the tangled and the contradictions....

Love wins

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